Latest updates!
I would like to apologize to the followers of my blog. My schedule has been rather hectic lately and I haven't had as much time to dedicate to the blog as I would like to. I am, rest assured, hard at work writing the fourth installment of the Desolace Series, City of the Dead. I have also been consulting with the Anchor Group in an effort to get the cover art completed for my first, non-series book, Destined for Darkness. Both of these titles should be released later this year. When I have further updates on them I will post to let you know. In the meantime, please don't forget to check out my website for any new sales or promotions. I have recently added a new page to the site to allow visitors to request signed copies of my books and will be adding pre-order information for City of the Dead and Destined for Darkness as new info becomes available.
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